Teen Captured after Robbing Two Convenience Stores Charged as Adult

On June 6, 2020,  a subject entered a local convenience store in the 100 block of East Cottonwood Road.  The subject produced a small handgun and demanded money and tobacco products.  The subject fled the scene prior to police arrival.

On June 12, 2020, a subject entered a local convenience store in the 1300 block of East Selma Street.  The subject produced a small handgun and demanded money from the clerk.  It was determined this subject was the same as the robbery 6 days earlier.  Two hours after this robbery, officers with the Dothan Police Department apprehended Nicholas Malik George  after he was linked to the crimes.  Upon being interviewed by police, George admitted to both robberies.  The severity of the crime and use of a firearm lead investigators to charge George as an adult.

Nicholas Malik George (16) of Dothan was charged with two counts of Robbery 1st Degree with bonds totaling $120,000.

Nicholas Malik George- Two Counts of Robbery 1st Degree
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