When away, make your home look and sound occupied.
Use an inexpensive timer for lights and radio or TV.
Cancel newspaper and other daily deliveries.
Lock all windows and doors.
Make sure your locks work.
Use deadbolts!
Test the doorknob locks your are using now.
Open the door, lock it, and then try to push the bolt back into the door.
If you can push the bolt back into the door, then it is not safe.
Don’t label your house and car keys. If you lose them, a simple check of the phone book will tell a burglarwhere to visit.
Color code keys to avoid burglars from identifying them and particular doors.
Don’t put your name on the mailbox or the front door / yard.
A burglar can “case” your home, then call on the phone to see you’re home.
Make sliding glass doors more secure.
This is a burglar’s favorite entry point. Usually they are secluded and uneasily seen from neighboring yards and streets.
Use a “Charlie” bar or a similar device.
If a dog is welcomed at your house, great! Burglars and thieves will avoid angry or barking dogs.
Leave some outdoor lights on when away.
A security light can be installed at a low monthly charge.
Motion detector lights are very helpful. They automatically come on when nearby movement occurs.
During the day, leave drapes and blinds open so movement inside can be detected.
Look after your neighbors and have them look after you.
If you see anything suspicious, call the police or sheriff.
Don’t intervene in an incident. You might get hurt.
Let your police department know when you are away from home.
Don’t leave tools, ladders, or anything that might be used by a burglar lying outside.
Inventory your property, tools and valuables. Engraving an alphanumeric ID number (make one up and stick with it) or your name and phone number will aid in the recovery of stolen property.